Saturday, May 20, 2017

May Long Weekend and the Gospel of John

The May long weekend glows with promise. Where I live in Ontario, it launches the planting season for all backyard gardeners and beckons us to believe that the warmth of summer will indeed bless us again.

As I dig into dark cool soil, I think of the words of Christ – “I will not leave you desolate; I will come to you.” (John 14:18). Jesus is speaking of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, not the season of sun that Canadians like me crave, yet somehow his words seem to fit on this day.

I plant a small seedling, nurtured over the last 6 weeks in my window. It will grow into a large tomato plant (I hope), but for now it is only a beginning. Again that reminds me of the Gospel of John with its beautiful opening that echoes Genesis 1: “In the beginning…”.
The seed began in the cool darkness of soil but now has been drawn into light. Darkness and light both provide growth. Like winter and spring. Like death and resurrection. I find myself thinking that it is interesting that, while God provides light, God does not get rid of darkness.

Winter still comes, and night, and death. But so does spring, and day, and resurrection.

It helps me to remember this when struggling with the stresses and challenges that life brings. There will be light. There will be goodness. And with the Advocate we will not be alone. But really growing will require some gardening on our part, some digging down into the soil of our souls, some watering of the seeds of love that God has planted in all of us, some recognition that the light of God shines in others as well.

We are called to light, to life, to love. Happy long weekend!